One thing Nan loved more than herself was her sisters and being with them made all of her problems go away. She loved her sisters and their children and sometimes their husbands and not necessarily in that order. Nan's brother has a house built 150 miles outside of their hometown. All three families 3 women 17 children would all merge there on random weekends throughout the year. We play in the woods, came back with poison oak and poison ivy, dripped in sweat with our clothes torn from running into bushes and brambles. Once her fourth grandson and her sisters' youngest boy went for a walk in the woods. It was innocent enough her grandson was 7 and his cousin was 12. Screaming and shouting started to fill the woods and no one could figure it out where it came from. Both boys were screaming and yelling "HELP" at the same time. We all ran to the edge of the woods and could not believe our eyes. Her grandson had stepped into a hive of wasps that had fallen to the ground ...