
 My sisters were given different genes-same parents, maybe because I was the first girl born I did not get

Gene - go shopping and  pick out clothes that match

Gene - clean your house til it is spotless

Gene - always get good grades

Gene - be the prettiest girl in the class

Gene - have all of the teachers like you because you don't talk back

Gene - what ever you wear matches your shoes and bow in your hair

Gene - know the answer to every question from the teacher

Gene - your hair is always perfect

Gene - be a good cook, a good baker of pies, cakes and desserts

Gene - to hang up your clothes as soon as you get home

Gene - make your bed as soon as you get out of it

Gene - want to wear pajamas

When my youngest son was in 2nd grade he came home crying. He told me all of the kids at school teased him because he had big ears. An earlier blog mentioned that Nan hated her ears. They were too big. My son at the age of 7 had the same problem. I thought about it and decided what to do.

I  have big ears, too. It never bothered me because it could not do anything about it so I just ignored them. No one has a perfect head or their ears are not placed squarely on their head. Some people do not like what they are given so they want to change things they can not change.

I decided to cut my hair very very short. I had a hair cut like my 7 year old son. He just stared and me and could not believe I wanted to look like him. When I went to volunteer in his classroom his classmates just stared at me and never said a word to him again. 

Big ears do not make you hear better!


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