1+1=2, the sky is blue beyond the clouds, Spring is coming, things we know are true. As a child Eleanor believed all people are kind, school is fun, she was pretty. Her coal black hair and her ocean blue eyes were captivating to everyone. She was devoted to her mother, father, sisters, brother and her church. When she was 13 she was voted May Queen, a tradition in May that pays tribute to the Virgin Mary. As she aged she never wavered from these teachings. The world changes and so do people. She kept a steady path. Eleanor was secure in her mind that kindness, sharing, loving, caring, gentleness, honesty, fortitude were her foundation. She saw everyone the same way. She was not suspicious, cautious just curious why people were not exactly like her. She kept moving through her years always trusting that goodness would overcome evil. She was concerned every event within the family always involved alcohol. They adults seemed to have fun playing baseball, horseshoes, darts and corn ho...