
 Are mothers born with it? How do they know what is the best thing for that child? When you have too many children to count on your fingers what do you do? Are all mothers born with it or are fathers born with it too? Mother - daughter relationships are tough? Could you live with your mother today? Why do mothers always know how to comfort the child? What type of discipline is necessary? Were you terrified when you heard, "Wait til your father comes home"?

Having several sisters close in age our house was full of moods, screaming, fighting not all the time most of the time was caring, sharing, loving, laughing. The boys were either older and ignored us or younger and we ignored them. We had our own clic in the neighborhood. In our younger years we had the same friends, rollerskating, jumping rope, hopscotch, tag, chalking the sidewalk, hide and seek. Our house was the major go to place. There was no commander in charge we just gathered for fun.

If someone had 25 cents we would go to the corner store, walk up to the penny candy display and pick our poison. Believe it or not 25 cents went a long way in 1955. You could buy a gallon of gas, go to a movie, get 3 gallons of ice cream, have 5 Hershey bars, 10 rolls of life savers, go shopping for a pair of socks, 2 tubes of lipstick, a pair of hose (stockings) or a bag of jelly beans.

When we would walk into the house with bags of candy Nan would take it from us and distribute it evenly among the troops. If you were smart you ate it before going home. Nan would play monopoly, call bingo, play fish, build Lincoln logs, jump rope and sing songs all day long. She always knew what we needed. My children will attest I did not develop those skills to her depth. When we were sick there was tea and toast brought to your bedside. She would sit on your bed, take your temperature, put a cool cloth on your head or neck. Just having that single moment was priceless.

She met with ladies from her nursing school on a monthly basis. She said she was going out to play cards, I am not sure all of the fun in their living rooms. How did she get away? Who took care of the family? Most of the time it was when we were all in bed at 7pm she was out the door. She deserved to be with her friends, those friendships lasted 60 years.

Think About it!


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