
 The top 4 richest neighborhoods in New York City are - according to Google - 

West Village, Greenwich Village, Cobble Hill, Upper East Side and Nan lived in one of these neighborhoods for 20 years. She worked as a nurse for a wealthy couple and she traveled with them. They lived in the penthouse and she lived in the help quarters at the bottom of the building. Her shift was 8 hours a day and on call when needed. Her employer was on a kidney dialysis machine 3 times a week. When I went to visit her I met the chauffeur, the chef, the maid, their personal doctor and the other nurses that covered alternate shifts. If Nan owned one of these residences I would never had to work my entire life. During her time off she would take long walks. She always carried two dollars with her. The first person who was homeless she would hand them a dollar and wish them well. On the way back to her room she would give the other dollar to a homeless person and wish them well. Central Park was the typical thoroughfare but weather predicted how far she walked. The rest of this story is mentioned in my book Nan's Alphabet to be published 2021.

My niece lived on East 91st and 2nd Avenue, my brother lived on West 24th St and 9th Avenue. Our family would take frequent road trips to New York City gathering at Grand Central Station. One sister came from Pensacola, Florida, I wandered in from Los Angeles, California, one brother hitch hiked from Sedona, Arizona, and the excursions were endless. We could not keep away from Nan's hugs for more than 6 months. We found a way to reunite twice a year. On occasions the children and grand children would be a part of the reunion. The Saturday matinees were inexpensive and thrilling for young and old. New York City is a separate country inside the United States. You can not compare it to Miami, Chicago, Washington, D.C. people walk. Yes the subway, buses, taxis are available but if you own a car in the city you will pay as much as $15,000.00 a month to park your car in your building. In the winter, you have to move your car to the opposite side of the street when it snows, if you can find a space within 15 blocks of your apartment. 

From November to May, Nan and her employers would take up residence in Palm Beach, Florida, also in the penthouse of a luxurious hotel. There were a few trips to other locations. If you do not grow up surrounded with beautiful things it might be hard to adjust to this life style. Nan did not have a problem because she was passionate about treating every person with dignity. She  was never cautious about her words because she spoke with confidence and clarity. If her employers entertained she managed to hob nob with with distinguished guests.

Love yourself!


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