
 Almost all mothers will not admit it, they have a favorite child. It was not me. You will figure it out as the blog goes along. If you are an only child it is easy. If you are a part of twins, triplets or more it is the one that sleeps the most. Yes, Nan had a favorite, out of 11 nieces and nephews she also had a favorite.

She was a major player in the childhood memories of "E". The more dominant memories of the two together is in 1980 when they were room mates in New York City. "E" needed help with rent, with Nan happily obliging when she was in town 6 months a year. They shared a one bedroom apartment, Nan was the nurse and work graveyard shift, everyone hated that shift except Nan. The sheets would barely cool from "E"'s exit and Nan taking her place under the blankets after her long shift. 

Nan knew "E' with all of her dates, her friends, her high and low moments for a  single lady barely making ends meet. The difference in age was 30. How could they see eye to eye with this gap in age. Nan never interfered, she just listened no advice given, observed one of her dates had white hair and was 25. "E"'s mother was Nan's sister. There was a hush when her sister asked what was it like to live with my daughter. No details revealed, the secrets of the private life of "E" were never spoken. One thing Nan and "E" had in common they could find humor in a crack in the sidewalk, a city bus marked "Not In Service", a windy rainy day with umbrellas turning inside out. In retrospect, "E" wonders now why she did not ask about "the good old days" when they had their weekly dinners. Nan was good at dodging questions from previous years so the subjects were never approached.

Single in New York City brought many social, educational, athletic events. She was a runner with her best time of 3 hours 42 minutes and 15 seconds for the New York Marathon. Nan was her biggest cheerleader, being at the start line, somehow managing mile 23 also. The after parties for the running club were weekly with one question asked every time - "Where is Nan?" The exploits and adventures were  often with people joining them on the subway, cross town transit buses, sometimes taxis.

The best part of getting off work at 7 A.M. Nan would walk to Central Park, get in line for tickets to Shakespeare in the park, open-air Philharmonic or Opera performances. Time was not an issue, Nan could stand and sleep in the same spot until someone tapped her on the shoulder for her turn to move - literally hours for these treasured tickets. Nan handed them out to "E"'s friends, she was considered a celebrity. Everyone of "E"'s friends had day jobs so they depended on Nan. Somehow she would procure the front row seats of these performances. That is a mystery to this day. Years past and the dynamic duo ceased to exist when "E" moved to the suburbs ending the room mate run.

Nan was there to assist "E" with flowers for her wedding. arriving just in time to assist in the birth of her daughter at home. She had additional children with Nan showering them with gifts and cards on special occasions. Memories live on, she is missed every day.

Whisper to Me!


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