
 Nan was always quick on her feet when she had to learn new things. The more children she raised the quicker she had to adapt to their quirks and behaviors. Some of the boys would tease the girls to tears but never took accountability for it. If Nan asked,"Did you kick your sister?" There was silence. They would rather take the punishment than give up their secrets or motives.

On many occasions serious offenses were committed by family like her favorite daughter was arrested of doing. Once Nan took a carton of Marlboro and a six pack of panties to federal prison. There is not a book published that prepares a mother to see her daughter in prison for attempted murder. She drove as far as the guards would permit her, she waited in the freezing rain for the shuttle bus to the prison gates. The guards took her bags, took off her coat, patted her down and let her go inside. Nan looked around at the gray walls and all of the other guests of the prison that day. She was embarrassed, angry, humbled by the experience. She knew her daughter was innocent. 

Nan was afraid of men, the guards at the prison were all men, even though it was a women's prison. This was 1981 and some of the prisons housed men on one side and women on the other side. Nan waited patiently as inmates were led to their families. Her daughter ran to Nan and threw her arms around her and started screaming, "Why did you come here - I don't want you to see me like this, in this place?" Nan started crying with her until they both calmed down. Nan was empty handed because the guards took her cigarettes and panties away from her. Nan learned that you bring CASH. You put the cash on the inmate's account and they can spend it when they need it. 

If you have never been in prison or visited someone in a federal prison this is how it works. You get three meals a day. If you want toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, slippers, a soft drink, a Hershey candy bar you buy it from your account. My sister was constantly asking me for $50 to send to her to put on her account. If you need one cigarette you have to barter it. A cigarette for a tampax. A pair of sox for an apple.

Once when she was picked up for selling an illegal substance she had not eaten in three days and just did drugs for all three days. When she was put in her cell, her cell mate had to hold her hair out of her face for the black tar she was vomiting for 2 days. You actually hear stories of people who commit crimes to go back to prison because that is the life they know. They learn the system and take advantage of the newbies who show up for the first offense. It is a way of life.

Take your time and learn the ropes!


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